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We answer all the questions you may have about the 360° Matcha experience!

  • How do you use AI at Matcha?
    Artificial intelligence plays a central role in personalising and optimising the shopping experience through our personal shopper, Matcha Advisor. Here are some of the magic ingredients of our AI: Comprehensive identification and enrichment: Using only the EAN and/or basic product data, our AI automatically identifies and creates a complete profile. It then enriches each product, associating consumer-oriented data (tastes, benefits, key decision-making factors, etc.) to the profile. Powered searches: Generative AI enables us to interpret users' queries in natural, unstructured language, predicting and suggesting terms or phrases that match their needs. This technology helps users express their needs freely and find the perfect product. Optimised personalised selections: Our AI also generates impactful descriptions that help summarise the product’s strengths and specifics. These engaging, reassuring descriptions give confidence to shoppers who are looking for accessible expertise.
  • Qu'est-ce que Matcha apporte de plus que mes filtres habituels ?
    Matcha va au-delà des filtres classiques en reproduisant l’expertise d’un conseiller humain. Plutôt que d’utiliser des filtres binaires, Matcha classe les produits grâce à un système de scoring basé sur leur pertinence. Même dans les cas où tous les critères ne sont pas strictement remplis, le personal shopper suggère toujours une alternative. Ainsi, les consommateurs ne se retrouvent jamais sans résultat, assurant une expérience fluide et sans frustration. La solution enrichit automatiquement vos produits sans effort de votre part et optimise les sélections pour augmenter la conversion, en proposant une diversité de choix et en mettant en avant les produits qui performent le mieux grâce à l’intelligence artificielle. De plus, les critères de recherche évoluent selon les performances et les saisons, s’adaptant aux moments et occasions de consommation.
  • What are the benefits for my customers?
    Your customers enjoy a simplified experience that encourages them to return. They save time, without endless scrolling, and receive personalised recommendations tailored to their shopping habits, whether through search or category navigation. The interface is both fun and educational, encouraging discovery of new products while enabling precise searches, combining defined criteria with natural language for easy and intuitive browsing.
  • I'm worried the integration will be too complex or my IT team will block it...
    No need to worry—the integration of the Matcha solution is designed to be simple and quick, without requiring major involvement from your IT team. Matcha integrates exclusively at the front-end level, without affecting the back-end. It’s a JavaScript widget that’s easy to deploy via your tag management tool and stays entirely within your technical environment. The full process typically takes between 4 to 6 weeks, allowing you to quickly conduct A/B tests and move on to deployment.
  • How can I be sure there’s a good product rotation on Matcha Advisor?
    On Matcha Advisor, we ensure that our recommendations aren’t limited to best-selling products or private labels. Our algorithm identifies each product and guarantees that they all get good visibility, ensuring a rotation that highlights all in-stock products.
  • What kind of support can I expect from Matcha?
    As a Matcha client, you’ll benefit from comprehensive support, including a dedicated Account Manager to assist you daily. Our technical team is also available for any necessary support. For Matcha Boost, you can manage your EANs independently and track each product’s performance in real-time with a specially designed interface.
  • How do I install the kiosk if I’m short on space?
    Matcha offers flexible solutions to fit the available space in your store. You can choose from several installation options: A totem kiosk, ideal for open spaces. A kiosk or screen integrated directly into the shelving, optimising existing space. Smartphone integration with large-format POS materials to maximise impact without taking up your sales floor space.
  • How do I manage the kiosk if I’m short on staff?
    No worries—the kiosk is fully managed by Matcha. Our solution directly connects to product, price, stock, and promotion feeds via headquarters, keeping you updated without manual intervention. Plus, maintenance and servicing of the kiosk are included in our offer, in partnership with a kiosk expert, ensuring hassle-free operation for your team.
  • C'est quoi le retail media ?
    Le retail media, c’est la monétisation des espaces publicitaires et des données clients des commerçants (l’e-retail media se concentrant sur le digital). Porté par la disparition des cookies tiers et la consolidation du secteur, le retail media est en pleine expansion. Avec une croissance de 24 % en seulement un an, selon l'étude de juin 2023 de GroupM, il est prévu qu'il dépasse même la publicité télévisée d'ici cinq ans. Il est clair que le retail media représente le futur levier d'activation à exploiter dès aujourd'hui !
  • How does retail media work with Matcha?
    Matcha offers several retail media levers throughout the shopping journey on Matcha Advisor in e-commerce, from the homepage selection to dedicated criteria and recommendations (as long as they match users' searches, of course!). Depending on the chosen lever, the products selected for your campaign will be highlighted by Advisor. With Matcha, you can meet your customers right where they are!
  • Am I limited in the number of products I can boost?
    No, you can submit as many EANs as you like to Matcha. We can then choose to highlight all of these references or just a selection, depending on your goals and the levers you’ve selected.
  • Est-il possible d'effectuer des tests A/B sur mes produits ?
    L'un des atouts majeurs de Matcha Advisor est sa flexibilité. Notre solution peut vous permettre de réaliser des tests A/B rapides et peu coûteux sur la présentation de vos produits, l'assortiment, et bien plus encore. Ces tests simples et efficaces vous offrent une opportunité unique de renforcer votre stratégie client et marketing en ajustant vos offres en temps réel selon les préférences des utilisateurs.
  • What types of insights can Matcha provide me?
    Matcha offers detailed insights to help you better understand your positioning and performance. For example, you can compare your brand visibility, searches, and engagement against your competitors. You also get key data such as purchase triggers, entry points, and associated products. In terms of visibility and engagement, you can track the number of impressions for your references and their share of voice in Matcha’s recommendations. Matcha also helps you measure your market share, comparing your performance in Matcha’s recommendations against the store’s overall assortment, as well as the revenue generated through Matcha. For revenue and ROI, you get details on the revenue added to cart, revenue confirmed via Matcha, and the breakdown of revenue by brand or EAN. Other specific KPIs can be provided on request.
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